We have empowered you to understand clearly what your team is learning as they my visits using the Child Status Index assessment tool Using a powerful easy-to-use tool, you can drill down and see any level of detail that is helpful to you.
Data Management
This functionality allows you to bulk import data from Excel like children, caregivers, locations and basic demographic information. This allows for central or office staff to preload info before your staff is in the field.
Many users have custom questions they want staff to ask periodically as they visit with caregivers and children. We have built in the ability for you to add questions to the Child Status Index and even do custom surveys.
Web Portal Goals
We know that there is tremendous need and scarce resources so we wanted to build this web portal so that the users of the Child Status Index would be able extract the info they need to run better programs and help more children.
This portal is for users of the Child Status Index. Ideally these users would be trained in the assessment tool and how it should be properly used.
Our organization, Telos Orphan Partners worked with one of the creators of the Child Status Index to develop a mobile app that can be used for easy field input. This app can be used without the Internet, and should replace the paper form used historically.
Next Steps…
To get started please complete this simple survey. We want to help you, but need to understand where you are in the process.