- Organization Setup & Management – setup and maintain organizational info.
- Permissions – allow global admins to setup local and country admins and allow access as desired.
- Emergency Actions – allow users to define what should b done in the case of emergencies.
- Adult Management – allow users to add, change or remove adults in bulk.
- Household Management– allow users to add, change or remove household in bulk..
- Custom Assessments – allow users to create their own custom surveys.
- Manage Assessments – allow users to add, change or remove questions from core assessment.
- Reference Data Management – This would be things like organization relationships.
- After Action Workflows – allow users to define who should be notified in the event of an emergency.
Children Management – allow users to add, change or remove children in bulk. (M&8)Configuration Management – System and organization settings – an example of this would be various urls used for communication, etc. (info@teloscares for example. If we ever want to change that or display different messages on the splash screen we may want the message configurable) (7&M)Village Management – allow users to add, change or remove villages in bulk. (M&5)Bulk Child Input – allow users to add children in bulk. (8&3)
- Full App Functionality – provide the ability for a user to use a web browser for the full CSI mobile app. (no votes)